WHAT IS BS-8558 | H2O Comply

What is BS-8558

BS-8558 is a British standard for the maintenance of services supplying water and was developed to provide complementary guidance to the BS EN 806 series of standards.

Together, these documents provide “best practices for the design, installation, alteration, testing, operation, and maintenance of hot and cold water services for domestic use in buildings.”

Who is BS-8558 relevant for?

The standard should be applied by:-

  • Anyone involved in the design, installation, testing, operation, and maintenance of services (businesses with water storage facilities)
  • Water companies
  • Product manufacturers
  • Installers of water supply services in the UK

Why should you use BS-8558

The BS-8558 Standard is an effective tool in the safe maintenance of water systems for companies and domestic buildings.

It provides UK guidelines for the water supply services industry on all aspects of sampling and monitoring of hot and cold water services.

It also gives guidance on underground pipework within the curtilage of a building.

BS 8558 & Legionella

BS8558 recognises the need to control Legionella bacteria in onsite domestic wastewater systems and provides guidance on how this can be achieved.

It is important to note that while BS 8558 does not specifically cover rainwater harvesting systems, these are often included as part of onsite water management systems. As such, it is important to ensure that any rainwater

harvesting system is designed, installed and maintained in accordance with BS 8558.

Legionella testing company | h20 comply

Tank Cleaning and BS 8558

It is a requirement of BS 8558 that all onsite domestic wastewater treatment systems must be cleaned and serviced at least once a year by a suitably qualified professional.

Water tank cleaning is an important part of maintaining an onsite water system. It helps to remove any build-up o and ensure water is safe for consumption.

A water tank cleaning company will have the necessary expertise and equipment to carry out this work safely and effectively. They will also be able to provide advice on any other maintenance that may be required to keep your system operating correctly.

You will also be provided with a chlorination certificate, this document will contain detailed information about the chlorination procedure, including the date and time of the chlorination, the type and concentration of disinfectant used, and the duration of the chlorination process.

Water Testing and BS 8558

If you own or operate a business that uses water, then you need to make sure that you are in compliance with the latest water regulations.

You can do this by arranging for a legionella water testing company to check your water quality. Samples will be taken from your water tanks and sent for laboratory testing.

H20 Comply Tank cleaning and Water sampling are undertaken in line with BS8558 Guidance, if you need help with any aspect of your water quality standards, tank cleaning or water testing please get in touch with a member of the team for more information.

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